2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Toyama N,Taniguchi-Tabata A,Sawada N,Sugiura Y,Fukuhara D,Uchida Y,Miyai H,Yokoi A,Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Morita M: Does Instruction of Oral Health Behavior for Workers Improve Work Performance?-Quasi-Randomized Trial.Int J Environ Res Public Health.;15(12).pii:E2630,2018.

Uchida Y,Irie K,Fukuhara D,Kataoka K,Hattori T,Ono M,Ekuni D,Kubota S,Morita M: Commensal Microbiota Enhance Both Osteoclast and Osteoblast Activities.Molecules.23(7).pii:E1517,2018.

Mizuno H,Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Tabata-Taniguchi A,Maruyama T,Yokoi A,Omori C,Shimizu K,Morimatsu H,Shirakawa Y,Morita M: New oral hygiene care regimen reduces postoperative oral bacteria count and number of days with elevated fever in ICU patients with esophageal cancer.J Oral Sci.;60(4):536-543,2018.

Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Yamane-Takeuchi M,Azuma T,Taniguchi-Tabata A,Tomofuji T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M:Type D personality and periodontal disease in university students: A prospective cohort study.J Health Psychol.;23(5):754-762,2018.

Irie K,Tomofuji T,Ekuni D,Fukuhara D,Uchida Y,Kataoka K,Kobayashi S,Kikuchi T,Mitani A,Shimazaki Y,Morita M: Age-related changes of CD4+ T cell migration and cytokine expression in germ-free and SPF mice periodontium.Arch Oral Biol.;87:72-78,2018.

Ekuni D,Furuta M,Kimura T,Toyama N,Fukuhara D,Uchida Y,Sawada N,Morita M: Association between intensive health guidance focusing on eating quickly and metabolic syndrome in Japanese middle-aged citizens.Eat Weight Disord.doi:10.1007/s40519-018-0522-1,2018.

Fukuhara D,Irie K,Uchida Y,Kataoka K,Akiyama K,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Morita M: Impact of commensal flora on periodontal immune response to lipopolysaccharide.J Periodontol.;89(10):1213-1220,2018.

Muro M,Soga Y,Higuchi T,Kataoka K,Ekuni D,Maeda Y,Morita M: Unusual oral mucosal microbiota after hematopoietic cell transplantation with glycopeptide antibiotics: potential association with pathophysiology of oral mucositis.Folia Microbiol(Praha).;63(5):587-597,2018.

Kato S,Ekuni D,Kawakami S,Mude AH,Morita M, Minagi S: Relationship between severity of periodontitis and masseter muscle activity during waking and sleeping hours.Arch Oral Biol.;90:13-18,2018.

吉田登志子,白井 肇,兒玉直紀,澁谷和彦,竹内倫子,鳥井康弘,久保田 聡:岡山大学歯学部における医療コミュニケーション学演習の概要と評価 過去5年間の学修内容と学修方略の検討.岡山歯学会雑誌.37(2),43-54,2018.

横井 彩), 江國大輔, 米田俊樹, 森田 学:職域における早食い、口腔内状態およびメタボリックシンドローム発症との関連.口腔衛生学会雑誌,68(1),9-14,2018.

Yoneda T,Tomofuji T,Kunitomo M,Ekuni D,Irie K,Azuma T,Machida T,Miyai H,Fujimori K,Morita M: Preventive Effects of Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water on Gingival Oxidative Stress and Alveolar Bone Resorption in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet.Nutrients.9(1). pii: E64,2017.

Irie K,Yamazaki T,Yoshii S, Takeyama H,Shimazaki Y: Is there an occupational status gradient in the development of periodontal disease in Japanese workers? A 5-year prospective cohort study.J Epidemiol.27(2):69-74,2017.

Ekuni D,Yamane-Takeuchi M,Kataoka K,Yokoi A,Taniguchi-Tabata A,Mizuno H,Miyai H,Uchida Y,Fukuhara D,Sugiura Y,Tomofuji T,Morita M: Validity of a New Kit Measuring Salivary Lactate Dehydrogenase Level for Screening Gingivitis.Dis Markers.2017:9547956,2017.

Maruyama T,Tomofuji T,Machida T,Kato H,Tsutsumi K,Uchida D,Takaki A,Yoneda T,Miyai H,Mizuno H,Ekuni D,Okada H,Morita M: Association between periodontitis and prognosis of pancreatobiliary tract cancer: A pilot study.Mol Clin Oncol.6(5):683-687,2017.

Irie K,Tomofuji T,Ekuni D ,Azuma T,Yoneda T,Shimazaki Y,Morita M: Hyperlipidemia is involved in apoptosis in rat submandibular glands.Arch Oral Biol.81:136-140,2017.

Taniguchi-Tabata A,Ekuni D,Mizutani S,Yamane-Takeuchi M,Kataoka K,Azuma T,Tomofuji T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Associations between dental knowledge, source of dental knowledge and oral health behavior in Japanese university students: A cross-sectional study.PLoS One.12(6):e0179298,2017.

Kobayashi T,Tomofuji T,Machida T,Yoneda T,Ekuni D,Azuma T,Maruyama T,Hirose A,Morita M: Expression of Salivary miR-203a-3p Was Related with Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Healthy Volunteers.Int J Mol Sci.18(6).pii:E1263,2017.

Miyai H,Maruyama T,Tomofuji T,Yoneda T,Azuma T,Mizuno H,Sugiura Y,Kobayashi T,Ekuni D,Morita M: Topical application of ointment containing 0.5% green tea catechins suppresses tongue oxidative stress in 5-fluorouracil administered rats.Arch Oral Biol.82:247-255,2017.

Mizuno H,Ekuni D,Maruyama T,Kataoka K,Yoneda T,Fukuhara D,Sugiura Y,Tomofuji T,Wada J,Morita M: The effects of non-surgical periodontal treatment on glycemic control, oxidative stress balance and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized clinical trial.PLoS One.12(11):e0188171,2017.

宮崎秀夫,森田 学,深井穫博,安藤雄一,眞木吉信,村上伸也,桃井保子,平野浩彦,相田 潤,葭原明弘,山賀孝之,町田達哉,多田紗弥夏,内藤徹,伊藤加代子,花田信弘,野村義明,一般社団法人日本口腔衛生学会高齢者のオーラルセルフケア検討委員:高齢者のオーラルセルフケアに関する学会提言.口腔衛生学会雑誌.67(2),94-117,2017.

高橋睦美,竹原順次,中村公也,三宅 亮,高橋大郎,森田 学,兼平 孝:札幌市における中高生の口腔乾燥感に関する調査. 北海道歯学雑誌.37(2),141-150,2017.

千神八重子, 江國大輔,森田 学:動機づけ面接法(MI)により高齢者の口腔衛生の改善ができた1症例. 口腔衛生学会雑誌67(1),29-34,2017.

Kawabata Y,Ekuni D,Miyai H,Kataoka K,Yamane M,Mizutani S,Irie K,Azuma T,Tomofuji T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Relationship Between Prehypertension/Hypertension and Periodontal Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study.Am J Hypertens.29(3):388-396,2016.

Tomofuji T,Yoneda T,Machida T,Ekuni D,Azuma T,Kataoka K,Maruyama T,Morita M: MicroRNAs as serum biomarkers for periodontitis.J Clin Periodontol.43(5):418-425,2016.

Greer A,Irie K,Hashim A,Leroux BG,Chang AM,Curtis MA,Darveau RP: Site-Specific Neutrophil Migration and CXCL2 Expression in Periodontal Tissue.J Dent Res.95(8):946-952,2016.

Machida T,Tomofuji T,Maruyama T,Yoneda T,Ekuni D,Azuma T,Miyai H,Mizuno H,Kato H,Tsutsumi K,Uchida D,Takaki A,Okada H,Morita M: miR‑1246 and miR‑4644 in salivary exosome as potential biomarkers for pancreatobiliary tract cancer.Oncol Rep.36(4):2375-2381,2016.

Yamane-Takeuchi M,Ekuni D,Mizutani S,Kataoka K,Taniguchi-Tabata A,Azuma T,Furuta M,Tomofuji T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Associations among oral health-related quality of life, subjective symptoms, clinical status, and self-rated oral health in Japanese university students: a cross-sectional study.BMC Oral Health.16(1):127,2016.

Kataoka K,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Irie K,Kunitomo M,Uchida Y,Fukuhara D,Morita M: Visualization of Oxidative Stress Induced by Experimental Periodontitis in Keap1-Dependent Oxidative Stress Detector-Luciferase Mice.Int J Mol Sci.17(11).pii:E1907,2016.

Kunitomo M,Ekuni D,Mizutani S,Tomofuji T,Irie K,Azuma T,Yamane M,Kataoka K,Taniguchi-Tabata A,Mizuno H,Miyai H,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Association between Knowledge about Comprehensive Food Education and Increase in Dental Caries in Japanese University Students: A Prospective Cohort Study.Nutrients.8(3):114,2016.

河本幸子, 水谷慎介, 森田 学: 岡山市内の要介護者入所施設における歯科検診の実施状況調査. 口腔衛生学会雑誌.66(1),28-31,2016.

Takeuchi N,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Morita M: Relationship between Acute Phase of Chronic Periodontitis and Meteorological Factors in the Maintenance Phase of Periodontal Treatment: A Pilot Study.Int J Environ Res Public Health.12(8),9119-9130,2015.

Kawabata Y,Ekuni D,Miyai H,Kataoka K,Yamane M,Mizutani S,Irie K,Azuma T,Tomofuji T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Relationship Between Prehypertension/Hypertension and Periodontal Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study.Am J Hypertens.29(3),388-396,2016.

Irie K,Tomofuji T,Ekuni D,Morita M,Shimazaki Y,Darveau RP: Impact of Oral Commensal Bacteria on Degradation of Periodontal Connective Tissue in Mice.J Periodontol.86(7),899-905,2015.

Kataoka K,Ekuni D,Mizutani S,Tomofuji T,Azuma T,Yamane M,Kawabata Y,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Association Between Self-Reported Bruxism and Malocclusion in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.J Epidemiol.25(6),423-430,2015.

Azuma T,Yamane M,Ekuni D,Kawabata Y,Kataoka K,Kasuyama K,Maruyama T,Tomofuji T,Morita M:Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water Has Additive Effects on Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment of Improving Periodontitis: A Pilot Study.Antioxidants (Basel).4(3):513-522.2015.

Yokoi A,Maruyama T,Yamanaka R,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Kashiwazaki H,Yamazaki Y,Morita M: Relationship between acetaldehyde concentration in mouth air and tongue coating volume.J Appl Oral Sci.23(1),64-70,2015.

Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Irie K,Azuma T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M:Structural equation modeling to assess gender differences in the relationship between psychological symptoms and dental visits after dental check-ups for university students.Acta Odontol Scand.73(5):368-374,2015.

Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Yamane M,Azuma T,Iwasaki Y,Morita M: Gingival condition and tooth-brushing behavior after alcohol consumption.J Periodontal Res.50(4):494-499,2015.

Mizutani S,Ekuni D,Tomofuji T,Azuma T,Kataoka K,Yamane M,Iwasaki Y,Morita M:Relationship between xerostomia and gingival condition in young adults.J Periodontal Res.50(1):74-79,2015.

Terao M,Takaki A,Maruyama T,Oe H,Yasunaka T,Tamaki N,Nakamura K,Tomofuji T,Yagi T,Sadamori H,Umeda Y,Shinoura S,Yoshida R,Nouso K,Ekuni D,Koike K,Ikeda F,Shiraha H,Morita M,Ito H,Fujiwara T,Yamamoto K: Serum Oxidative/anti-oxidative Stress Balance Is Dysregulated in Potentially Pulmonary Hypertensive Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: A Case Control Study.Intern Med.54(22):2815-2826,2015.

Machida T,Tomofuji T,Ekuni D,Maruyama T,Yoneda T,Kawabata Y,Mizuno H,Miyai H,Kunitomo M,Morita M: MicroRNAs in Salivary Exosome as Potential Biomarkers of Aging.Int J Mol Sci.16(9):21294-21309,2015.

Okui A,Soga Y,Kokeguchi S,Nose M,Yamanaka R,Kusano N Morita M: Detection of Identical Isolates of Enterococcus faecalis from the Blood and Oral Mucosa in a Patient with Infective Endocarditis.Intern Med.54(14):1809-1814,2015.

大森智栄: 大学生における第二大臼歯の萌出状態と口腔内の因子との関係. 口腔衛生学会雑誌.65(1),17-25,2015.

町田達哉,友藤孝明,江國大輔,東哲司,竹内倫子,丸山貴之,川端勇也,森田 学: 歯周病メインテナンス期患者に対する血液検査による生活習慣病スクリーニングの検討. 口腔衛生学会雑誌.65(4),354-361,2015.

友藤孝明,片岡広太,川端勇也,水谷慎介,江國大輔,森田 学:塩化セチルピリジニウム配合トローチ剤の口臭抑制効果. 日本口臭学会会誌.6(1),15-20,2015.

山根真由,江國大輔,森田 学: 大学生における早食いと肥満の関係. 厚生の指標.62(7),7-11,2015.

Ekuni D, Mizutani S, Kojima A, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Yoneda T, Furuta M, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Relationships between increase in BMI and changes in periodontal status: A prospective cohort study. J Clin Periodontol, 41, 772-778, 2014.

Ekuni D, Yoneda T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Irie K, Mizutani S, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Morita M: Psychological stress by occlusal disharmony accelerates the initiation of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout rats. Lipids Health Dis, 13, 144, 2014.

Ekuni D, Yoneda T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Irie K, Mizutani S, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Morita M: Psychological stress by occlusal disharmony accelerates the initiation of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout rats. Lipids Health Dis, 13, 144, 2014.

Irie K, Novince CM, Darveau RP: Impact of the oral commensal flora on alveolar bone homeostasis. J Dent Res, 93, 801-806, 2014.

Irie K, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Yoneda T, Morita M: Anti-aging effects of dentifrices containing anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial agents (TomarinaⓇ) on gingival collagen degradation in rats. Arch Oral Biol, 59, 60-65, 2014.

Kanehira T, Hongou H, Asano K, Morita M, Maeshima E, Matsuda A, Sakamoto W: A simple test for salivary gland function measuring resting and stimulated submandibular and sublingual secretions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 117, 197-203, 2014.

Kakudate N, Muramatsu T, Endoh M, Satomura K, Koseki T, Sato Y, Ito K, Ogasawara T, Nakamura S, Kishimoto E, Kashiwazaki H, Yamashita Y, Uchiyama K, Nishihara T, Kiyohara Y, Kakinoki Y: Factors associated with dry mouth in dependent Japanese elderly. Gerodontology, 31, 11-18, 2014.

Machida T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Takeuchi N, Maruyama T, Mizutani S, Kataoka K, Kawabata Y, Morita M: Severe periodontitis is inversely associated with coffee consumption in the maintenance phase of periodontal treatment. Nutrients, 6, 4476-4490, 2014.

Machida T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamane M, Yoneda T, Kawabata Y, Kataoka K, Tamaki N, Morita M: Longitudinal relationship between plasma reactive oxygen metabolites and periodontal condition in the maintenance phase of periodontal treatment. Dis Markers, 2014: 489292, 2014.

Tomofuji T, Kawabata Y, Kasuyama K, Endo Y, Yoneda T, Yamane M, Azuma T, Ekuni D, Morita M: Effects of hydrogen-rich water on aging periodontal tissues. Scientific Reports, 4, 5534, 2014.

Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Irie K, Machida T, Yoneda T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Factors related to the formation of buccal mucosa ridging in university students. Acta Odontol Scand, 72, 58-63, 2014.

Yamane M, Ekuni D, Mizutani S, Kataoka K, Sakumoto-Kataoka M, Kawabata Y, Omori C, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Relationships between eating quickly and weight gain in Japanese university students: A longitudinal study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 22, 2262-2266, 2014.

Yoneda T, Tomofuji T, Kawabata Y, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Kataoka K, Kunitomo M, Morita M: Application of coenzyme Q10 for accelerating wound healing after tooth extraction. Nutrients, 6, 5756-5769, 2014.

町田達哉,水谷慎介,片岡広太,山根真由,丸山貴之,東 哲司,友藤孝明,江國大輔,森田 学:若年者における急性上気道炎の発症頻度と智歯萌出状態との関連.口腔衛生学会雑誌,64, 328-335, 2014.

Yamanaka R, Soga Y, Moriya Y, Okui A, Takeuchi T, Sato K, Morimatsu H, Morita M: Management of lacerated and swollen tongue after convulsive seizure with a mouth protector: interprofessional collaboration including dentists in intensive care. Acta Med Okayama, 68, 375-378, 2014.

Ekuni D, Firth JD, Putnins EE: Chapter 4 Expression of reactive oxygen species in junctional and pocket epithelium. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 53-76.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Morita M: Chapter 13 Periodontitis and atherosclerosis. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 183-196.

Irie K, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Morita M: Chapter 14 Periodontitis and liver diseases. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 197-210.

Morita M, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T: Chapter 3 Association between oxidative stress and periodontal diseases in animal model studies. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 33-52.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Mizutani S, Morita M: Chapter 18 Effects of antioxidants on periodontal disease. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 279-306.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Morita M: Chapter 10 Effects of periodontal therapy on circulating oxidative stress. In: Studies on periodontal disease, Oxidative stress in applied basic research. Editors: Ekuni D, Battino M, Tomofuji T, Putnins EE. Humana Press, pp 147-156.

Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Kataoka K, Yamane M, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Relationship between xerostomia and gingival condition in young adults. J Periodont Res. (in press)

Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Structural equation modeling to assess gender differences in the relationship between psychological symptoms and dental visits after dental check-ups for university students. Acta Odontol Scand. (in press)

Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Yamane M, Azuma T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Gingival condition and tooth-brushing behavior after alcohol consumption. J Periodont Res. (in press)

Yokoi A, Maruyama T, Yamanaka R, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Kashiwazaki H, Yamazaki Y, Morita M: Relationship between acetaldehyde concentration in mouth air and oral condition: pilot study using new portable monitor. J Appl Oral Sci. (in press)

Yoneda T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Machida T, Morita M: Anti-aging effects of ubiquinol on periodontal tissue. J Dent Res, 92, 735-739, 2013.

Kosaka J, Morimatsu H, Takahashi T, Shimizu H, Kawanishi S, Omori E, Endo Y, Tamaki N, Morita M, Morita K: Effects of biliverdin administration on acute lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation in rats. PLoS One, 8(5), e63606, 2013.

Ekuni D, Endo Y, Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Irie K, Kasuyama K, Morita M. Effects of apoE deficiency and occlusal disharmony on amyloid-beta production and spatial memory in rats. PLoS One, 8(9), e74966, 2013.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Mizutani S, Furuta M, Irie K, Azuma T, Kojima A, Iwasaki Y, Morita M. Dental caries experience is influenced by knowledge of comprehensive food education in Japanese university students. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 22, 312-318, 2013.

Ekuni D, Furuta M, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Effects of eating behaviors on being overweight in Japanese university students: A cross-sectional survey at the Okayama University. Asia Pac J Public Health, 25, 326-334, 2013.

Endo Y, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Kasuyama K, Morita M. Preventive effects of trehalose on osteoclast differentiation in rat periodontitis model. J Clin Periodontol, 40, 33-40, 2013.

Firth JD, Ekuni D, Irie K, Tomofuji T, Morita M, Putnins EE: Lipopolysaccharide induces a stromal-epithelial signaling axis in a rat model of chronic periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol, 40, 8-17, 2013.

Nishimura M, Takaki A, Tamaki N, Maruyama T, Onishi H, Kobayashi S, Nouso K, Yasunaka T, Koie K, Hagihara H, Kuwaki K, Nakamura S, Ikeda F, Iwasaki Y, Tomofuji T, Morita M, Yamamoto K: Serum oxidative-anti-oxidative stress balance is dysregulated in patients with hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res, 43, 1078-1092, 2013.

Takeuchi N, Ekuni D, Irie K, Furuta M, Tomofuji T, Morita M, Watanabe T: Relationship between periodontal inflammation and fetal growth in pregnant women: a cross-sectional study. Arch Gynecol Obtet, 287, 951-957, 2013.

Takeuchi N, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Morita M. Relationship between masticatory performance and heart rate variability: a pilot study. Acta Odontol Scand, 71, 807-812, 2013.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Nagayama M, Morita M: Electric stimulation promotes periodontal tissues remodeling in rats. J Periodont Res, 48: 177-183, 2013.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Yoneda T, Morita M. Involvement of toll-like receptor 2 and 4 in association between dyslipidemia and osteoclast differentiation in apolipoprotein E deficient rat periodontium. Lipids Health Dis, 12: 1, 2013.

Yamanaka R, Soga Y, Minakuchi M, Nawachi K, Maruyama T, Kuboki T, Morita M: Occlusion and weight change in a patient after esophagectomy: success derived from restoration of occlusal support. Int J Prosthodont, 26, 574-576, 2013.

Akhter R, Morita M, Ekuni D, Hassan NM, Furuta M, Yamanaka R, Matsuka Y, Wilson D. Self-reported aural symptoms, headache and temporomandibular disorders in Japanese young adults. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 25, 326-334, 2013.

丸山貴之,友藤孝明,水谷慎介,江國大輔,森田 学.頭頸部がん患者における予後推定栄養指数と口腔内状態との関係,口腔衛生学会雑誌,63,321‐327,2013.

丸山貴之,山中玲子,志茂加代子,田中千加,曽我賢彦,森田 学: 頭頸部がん患者に対して口腔ケアを行った2症例,日本歯周病学会雑誌,55,262‐268

森田 学: ライフステージに応じた歯周病対策の提案,日本歯科医師会雑誌,66,21‐30,2013.

植田耕一郎, 向井美惠, 森田 学, 菊谷 武, 渡邊 裕, 戸原 玄, 阿部仁子, 中山渕利, 三瓶龍一, 島野嵩也, 岡田猛司, 鰕原賀子, 石山寿子: 摂食・嚥下障害に対する軟口蓋挙上装置の有効性.日本摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌,17,13-24,2013.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Takeuchi N, Morita M: Gum chewing modulates heart rate variability under noise stress. Acta Odontol Scand. 2012 Dec;70(6):491-496.

Ekuni D, Furuta M, Takeuchi N, Tomofuji T, Morita M: Self-reports of eating quickly are related to a decreased number of chews until first swallow, total number of chews, and total duration of chewing in young people. Arch Oral Biol, 57, 981-986, 2012.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Irie K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Mizutani S, Kojima A, Morita M: Hydrogen-rich water prevents lipid deposition in the descending aorta in a rat periodontitis model. Arch Oral Biol, 57, 1615-1622, 2012.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Takeuchi N, Morita M. Gum chewing modulates heart rate variability under noise stress. Acta Odontol Scand, 70, 491-496, 2012.

Fujita T, Firth JD, Kittaka M, Ekuni D, Kurihara H, Putnins EE: Loss of claudin-1 in lipopolysaccharide-treated periodontal epithelium. J Periodontal Res, 47, 222-227, 2012.

Furuta M, Ekuni D, Takao S, Suzuki E, Morita M, Kawachi I: Social capital and self-rated oral health among young people. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 40, 97-104, 2012.

Irie K, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Yaegaki K, Morita M: Combined effects of hydrogen sulphide and lipopolysaccharide on osteoclast differentiation in rats. J Periodontol, 83, 522-527, 2012.

Kasuyama K, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Morita M: Effects of topical application of inorganic polyphosphate on tissue remodeling in rat inflamed gingiva. J Periodont Res, 47, 159-164, 2012.

Kawai D, Takaki A, Nakatsuka A, Wada J, Tamaki N, Yasunaka T, Koike K, Tsuzaki R, Matsumoto K, Miyake Y, Shiraha H, Morita M, Makino H, Yamamoto K: Hydrogen-rich water prevents progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and accompanying hepatocarcinogenesis in mice. Hepatology, 56, 912-921, 2012.

Maruyama T, Yamanaka R, Yokoi A, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Mizukawa N, Onoda T, Eguchi M, Morita M. Relationship between serum albumin concentration and periodontal condition in head and neck cancer patients.J Periodontol, 83, 1110-1115, 2012.

Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Furuta M, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Kojima A, Nagase J, Iwasaki Y, Morita M: Effects of self-efficacy on oral health behaviors and gingival health in university students aged 18- or 19-year-old. J Clin Periodontol, 39, 844-849, 2012.

Nakamura K, Deyama Y, Yoshimura Y, Suzuki K, Morita M: Toll like receptor 5 ligand induces monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in mouse osteoblastic cells. Biomed Res, 33, 39-44, 2012.

Takeuchi K, Aida J, Morita M, Ando Y, Osaka K: Community-level socioeconomic status and parental smoking in Japan. Soc Sci Med, 75, 747-751, 2012.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Yamamoto T, Ishikado A, Sato T, Harada K, Suido H, Morita M: Supplementation of broccoli or Bifidobacterium longum-fermented broccoli suppresses serum lipid peroxidation and osteoclast differentiation on alveolar bone surface in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet. Nutr Res, 32, 301-307, 2012.

竹内倫子,山本龍生,森田 学:市町村における歯科保健事業と精神および行動の障害に関する医療費との関連.口腔衛生学会雑誌,62, 305-311, 2012.

児島 梓,江國大輔,古田美智子,入江浩一郎,東 哲司,水谷慎介,山中玲子,友藤孝明,森田 学,山本龍生,村上 隆,山城 隆,古賀 光,岩崎良章,清水幸登,大西 勝,小倉俊郎:大学新入生の口腔健康状態の調査(性差および経年的変化の検討).CAMPUS HEALTH 49(3), 91-96, 2012.

竹内倫子,江國大輔,友藤孝明,古田美智子,森田 学:早食いの是正に対するパンフレットと食行動記録法の効果.口腔衛生学会雑誌 62(4): 384-390, 2012.

水谷慎介, 江國大輔, 古田美智子, 友藤孝明, 入江浩一郎, 東 哲司, 児島 梓, 長瀬 純, 森田 学:岡山大学新入生におけるう蝕経験の有無と食生活に対する自己効力感との関係.口腔衛生学会雑誌 62(4): 403-409, 2012.

森田 学,木村年秀,児島 梓,水谷慎介, 古田美智子:「歯科保健指導が肥満に及ぼす効果-観音寺市における調査-」分析結果.厚生労働省科学研究費補助金 循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策総合研究事業(口腔機能に応じた保健指導と肥満抑制やメタボリックシンドローム改善との関係についての研究)平成23年度総括・分担研究報告書,75-83, 2012.

Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, Tamaki N, Ekuni D, Irie K, Kasuyama K, Kato T, Morita M. Effects of exercise training on gingival oxidative stress in obese rats. Arch Oral Biol 56, 358-363, 2011.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Morita M. Occlusal disharmony increases amyloid-β 42 in the rat hippocampus. Neuromol Med 13, 197-203, 2011.

Kasuyama K, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Azuma T, Endo Y, Morita M. Hydrogen-rich water attenuates experimental periodontitis in a rat model. J Clin Periodontol 2011 38, 1085-1090, 2011.

Tamaki N, Kasuyama K, Esaki M, Toshikawa T, Honda S, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Morita M. A new portable monitor for measuring odorous compounds in oral, exhaled and nasal air. BMC Oral Health 2011; 11, 15.

Tamaki N, Takaki A, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Ekuni D, Yasunaka T, Yamamoto K, Morita M. Stage of hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 38, 1015-1020, 2011.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Irie K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Maruyama T, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T, Morita M. Relationships between periodontal inflammation, lipid peroxide and oxidative damage of multiple organs in rats. Biomed Res 32, 343-349, 2011.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Morita M. Antioxidants and prevention of periodontal disease. In: Research Advances in Periodontology. Global Research Network, Kerala, India, 1-10, 2011.

Tomofuji T, Furuta M, Ekuni D, Irie K, Azuma T, Iwasaki Y, Morita M. Relationships between eating habits and periodontal condition in university students. J Periodontol 82, 1642-1649, 2011.

Yamanaka R, Akhter R, Furuta M, Ekuni D, Esaki M, Yamamoto T, Okazaki Y, Morita M. Relationship between visual acuity and labial closure force in Japanese elementary school children. J Dent Hlth 61, 288-294, 2011.

Maruyama T, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, Irie K, Azuma T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Supplementation of green tea catechins in dentifrices suppresses gingival oxidative stress and periodontal inflammation. Arch Oral Biol 56, 48-53, 2011.

Furuta M, Ekuni D, Irie K, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Ogura T, Morita M. Sex difference in gingivitis related to interaction of oral health behaviors in young people. J Periodontol 82, 558-565, 2011.

Irie K, Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Morita M. Occlusal disharmony induces BDNF level in rat submandibular gland. Arch Oral Biol 56, 35-40, 2011.

Tamaki N, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Morita M. Periodontal treatment decreases plasma oxidized LDL level and oxidative stress. Clin Oral Investig 15, 953-958, 2011.

Ekuni D, Furuta M, Irie K, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Murakami T, Yamashiro T, Ogura T, Morita M. Relationship between impacts attributed to malocclusion and psychological stress. Eur J Orthodont 33, 558-563, 2011.

Ekuni D, Takeuchi N, Furuta M, Tomofuji T, Morita M. Relationship between malocclusion and heart rate variability indices in young adults. A pilot study. Methods Inf Med 50, 358-363, 2011.

Yamamoto T, Tsuneishi M, Furuta M, Ekuni D, Morita M, Hirata Y. Relationship between decrease of erythrocyte count and progression of periodontal disease in a rural Japanese population. J Periodontol 82, 106-113, 2011.

Inoue M, Rodriguez AP, Nagai N, Nagatsuka H, Legeros RZ, Tsujigiwa H, Inoue M, Kishimoto E, Takagi S. Effect of fluoride-substituted apatite on in vivo bone formation. J Biomater Appl 25, 811-824, 2011.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Kasuyama K, Morita M: Antioxidants and prevention of periodontal disease. In: Research Advances in Periodontology. Global Research Network, Kerala, India, 2011 (in press).

Kakudate N, Morita M, Fukuhara S, Sugai M, Nagayama M, Isogai E, Kawanami M, Chiba I. Development of the outcome expectancy scale for self-care among periodontal disease patients. J Eval Clin Pract 17, 1023-1029, 2011.

Kanehira T, Yamaguchi T, Asano K, Morita M, Maeshima E, Matsuda A, Fujii Y, Sakamoto W. A screening test for capsaicin-stimulated salivary flow using filter paper: a study for diagnosis of hyposalivation with a complaint of dry mouth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 112, 73-80, 2011.

Wakaguri S, Aida J, Osaka K, Morita M, Ando Y. Association between caregiver behaviours to prevent vertical transmission and dental caries in their 3-year-old children. Caries Res 45, 281-286, 2011.

Akhter R, Morita M, Esaki M, Nakamura K, Kanehira T. Development of temporomandibular disorder symptoms: A 3 year cohort study of University students. J Oral Rehabil 38, 395-403, 2011.

梅谷健作,玉木直文,森田 学.術者によるブラッシングが自律神経系に及ぼす影響.口腔衛生会誌61, 581-588, 2011.

兒玉高有,阿部貴恵,兼平 孝,森田 学,舩橋 誠.唾液中ストレスマーカーの動態分析.北海道歯誌31, 52-61, 2011.

竹内倫子,玉木直文,江崎光恵,本田俊一,森田 学.二酸化塩素含有洗口剤(ProFresh)の長期使用による口臭抑制効果-二重盲検法による検討-.日本口臭学会会誌 2, 3-10, 2011.

西村英紀,山崎和久,野村慶雄,三辺正人,宮田 隆,森田 学.歯周病の重症度別分類策定WG最終報告書.日本歯周病学会会誌53, 197-200, 2011.

山中玲子,丸山貴之,横井 彩,山田小百合,玉木直文,江國大輔,友藤孝明,森田 学.ワークショップ「頭頸部がんチーム医療における口腔ケアの促進」と連携強化.岡山歯学会雑誌,61, 67-71, 2011.

江國大輔,古田美智子,入江浩一郎,東 哲司,友藤孝明,森田 学.生活習慣病対策としての食育に関する歯科的介入.平成22年度8020公募研究事業研究報告書,1-11, 2011.

Yamamoto T, Tsuneishi M, Furuta M, Koyama R, Ekuni D, Morita M, Hirata Y. Relationship between periodontal status and components of metabolic syndrome in a rural Japanese population. J Dent Hlth 60, 96-103, 2010.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Morita M: Vitamin C: its antioxidant effects on periodontitis. In: Nutrition and diet research progress. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2010.

Endo Y, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Irie K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Experimental periodontitis induces gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines in liver and white adipose tissues in obesity. J Periodontol 81, 520-526, 2010.

Takeuchi N, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Relationship between the prognosis of periodontitis and occlusal force during the maintenance phase-a cohort study. J Periodontal Res 45, 612-617, 2010.

Furuta M, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Azuma T, Irie K, Endo Y, Yamada S, Morita M. Relationship between periodontal condition and arterial properities in an adult population in Japan. Oral Dis 16, 781-787, 2010.

Kakudate N, Morita M, Fukuhara S, Sugai M, Nagayama M, Isogai E, Kawanami M, Chiba I. Development of the outcome expectancy scale for self-care among periodontal disease patients. J Eval Clin Pract. 2011 Dec;17(6):1023-1029.

Ekuni D, Endo Y, Irie K, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Tomofuji T, Morita M. Imbalance of oxidative/anti-oxidative status induced by periodontitis is involved in apoptosis of rat submandibular glands. Arch Oral Biol 55, 170-176, 2010.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Irie K, Kasuyama K, Umakoshi M, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Sanbe T, Endo Y, Yamamoto T, Nishida T, Morita M. Effects of periodontitis on aortic insulin resistance in an obese rat model. Lab Invest 90, 348-359, 2010.

Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Yamamoto T, Miyauchi M, Watanabe T. Effects of mechanical stimulation by a powered toothbrush on the healing of periodontal tissue in a rat model of periodontal disease. J Periodontal Res 45, 45-51, 2010.

Furuta M, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Irie K, Koyama R, Sanbe T, Yamanaka R, Morita M, Kuroki K, Tobe K. Relationship between periodontitis and hepatic abnormalities in young adults. Acta Odontol Scand 68, 27-33, 2010.

Kakudate N, Morita M, Yamazaki S, Fukuhara S, Sugai M, Nagayama M, Chiba I. Association between self-efficacy and loss to follow-up in long-term periodontal treatment. J Clin Periodontol 37, 276-282, 2010.

Rodriguez AP, Inoue M, Tanaka T, Miyake M, Sfer AM, Kishimoto E, Tsujigiwa H, Rivera RS, Nagatsuka H Effect of CaTiO(3)-CaCO(3) prepared by alkoxide method on cell response J Biomed Mater Res A 93, 297-303, 2010.

Morita M, Kakudate N, Chiba I, Kawanami M. Assessment and enhancement of oral care self-efficacy. In: Developments in higher education. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2010.

Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Tamaki N, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Sanbe T. Effects of topical application of lipopolysaccharide and proteases on hepatic injury induced by high-cholesterol diet in rats. J Periodontal Res 45, 129-135, 2010.

Esaki M, Morita M, Akhter R, Akino K, Honda O. Relationship between folic acid intake and gingival health in non-smoking adults in Japan. Oral Dis 16, 96-101, 2010.

Ii H, Imai T, Yaegaki K, Irie K, Ekuni D, Morita M. Oral malodorous compound induces osteoclast differentiation without RANKL. J Periodontol 81, 1691-1697, 2010.

Sakata T, Takahashi K, Kang J, Kiso H, Irie K, Tsukamoto H, Nakashima Y, Bessho K. Repeated surgical reduction for fibrous dysplasia of the mandible over a nineteen-year course: a case report. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22, 33-36, 2010.

Kakudate N, Morita M, Fukuhara S, Sugai M, Nagayama M, Kawanami M, Chiba I. Application of self-efficacy theory in dental clinical practice. Oral Dis 16, 747-752, 2010.

Kakudate N, Morita M, Sugai M, Nagayama M, Kawanami M, Sakano Y, Chiba I. Development of the self-efficacy scale for material oral care. Pediatr Dent 32, 310-315, 2010.

竹内倫子,山本龍生,平井 文,森田 学,小寺良成.市町村における歯科保健事業とメタボリックシンドローム関係医療費との関連.日本公衆衛生雑誌,57(11),959-967,2010.

竹内倫子, 江國大輔, 山本龍生, 森田 学. メインテナンス期の歯周病患者における咬合力と歯周病進行との関係について. 岡山歯学会雑誌 29, 41-49, 2010.

前川賢治,窪木拓男,伊澤俊次,皆木省吾,高柴正悟,宮脇卓也,江草正彦,木村年秀,山本敏男,森田 学,佐々木 朗,松尾 龍二.卒前歯科臨床教育における学外インターンシップ実習の構築と今後の展望. 岡山歯学会雑誌 29,35-40,2010.

兼平 孝,竹原 順次,中村 公也,三宅 亮,本多 丘人,森田 学.女子中学生における口やのどの乾燥に関連した自覚徴候に共通する要因.  口腔衛生学会雑誌 60,233-238, 2010.

山田小百合.男性警察職員における血管の老化度と歯周病の状態との関係.岡山歯学会雑誌 29,99-105,2010.

Ekuni D, Firth JD, Nayer T, Tomofuji T, Sanbe T, Irie K, Yamamoto T, Oka T, Liu Z, Vielkind J, Putnins EE. Monoamine oxidase-B mediates LPS-induced TNF-α levels and alveolar bone loss. Am J Pathol 175, 1398-1409, 2009.

Tomofuji T, Yamamoto T, Tamaki N, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Sanbe T, Irie K, Kasuyama K, Umakoshi M, Murakami J, Kokeguchi S, Morita M. Effects of obesity on gingival oxidative stress in a rat model. J Periodontol 80, 1324-1329, 2009.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Irie K, Azuma T, Endo Y, Tamaki N, Sanbe T, Murakami J, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Preventive effects of a cocoa-enriched diet on gingival oxidative stress in experimental periodontitis. J Periodontol 80, 1799-1808, 2009.

Irie K, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Morita M, Yaegaki K, Ii H, Imai T. A single application of hydrogen sulphide induces a transient osteoclast differentiation with RANKL expression in the rat model. Arch Oral Biol 54, 723-729, 2009.

Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Takeuchi N. Retrospective study of teeth with a poor prognosis following non-surgical periodontal treatment. J Clin Periodontol. 2009; 36(4): 343-8

Tamaki N, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Short-term Effects of Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment on Plasma Level of Reactive Oxygen Metabolites in Chronic Periodontitis Patients. J Periodontol. 80, 901-906, 2009.

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Sanbe T, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Irie K, Maruyama T, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T, Miyauchi M, Takata T. Effects of improvement of periodontal inflammation by toothbrushing on serum lipopolysaccharide concentration and liver injury in rats. Acta Odontol Scand, 67, 200-205, 2009.

Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Tamaki N, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Sanbe T. Effects of topical application of lipopolysaccharide and proteases on hepatic injury induced by high-cholesterol diet in rat. J Periodontal Res. 2010 Feb;45(1):129-135.

Tomofuji T, Irie K, Sanbe T, Azuma T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Periodontitis and increase in circulating oxidative stress. Jap Dent Sci Rev, 45, 46-51, 2009.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Sanbe T, Irie K, Azuma T, Maruyama T, Tamaki N, Murakami J, Kokeguchi S, Yamamoto T. Periodontitis-induced lipid peroxidation in rat descending aorta is involved in the initiation of atherosclerosis. J Periodontal Res. 44, 434-442, 2009.

Takeuchi N, Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Murakami C. A retrospective study on the prognosis of teeth with root fracture in patients during the maintenance phase of periodontal theraphy. Dent Traumatol. 25, 332-337, 2009.

Yamamoto T, Koyama R, Tamaki N, Maruyama T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Azuma T, Morita M. Validity of a Questionnaire for Periodontitis Screening of Japanese Employees. J Occup Health. 2009;51(2):137-43.

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Sanbe T, Irie K, Azuma T, Maruyama T, Tamaki N, Murakami J, Kokeguchi S, Yamamoto T. Vitamin C intake attenuates the degree of experimental atherosclerosis induced by periodontitis in the rat by decreasing oxidative stress. Arch Oral Biol. 2009; 54(5): 495-502

Sanbe T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Morita M. Vitamin C intake inhibits serum lipid peroxidation and osteoclast differentiation on alveolar bone in rats fed on a high-cholesterol diet. Arch Oral Biol. 2009; 54(3):235-40

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Sanbe T, Irie K, Azuma T, Maruyama T, Tamaki N, Murakami J, Kokeguchi S, Yamamoto T. Effects of vitamin C intake on gingival oxidative stress in rat periodontitis. Free Radic Biol Med. 2009; 46(2):163-8

Yamanaka R, Akther R, Furuta M, Koyama R, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Azuma T, Yamamoto T, Kishimoto E. Relation of dietary preference to bite force and occlusal contact area in Japanese children. J Oral Rehabil 36, 584-591, 2009.

Cakilci B, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Shimono J, Tsuneishi M, Kokeguchi S, Fukui K, Watanabe T. Reduction of gingival bleeding by professional toothbrushing compared to one-stage full-mouth disinfection. Int J Oral Health 5, 17-24, 2009.

Kakudate N, Morita M, Sugai M, Kawanami M. Systematic cognitive behavioral approach for oral hygiene instruction: a short-term study. Patient Educ Couns 74, 191-196, 2009.

Kanehira T, Yamaguchi T, Takehara J, Kashiwazaki H, Abe T, Morita M, Asano K, Fujii Y, Sakamoto W. A pilot study of a simple screening technique for estimation of salivary flow. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 108, 389-393, 2009.

Aida J, Morita M, Akhter R, Aoyama H, Masui M, Ando Y. Relationships between patient characteristics and reasons for tooth extraction in Japan. Community Dent Health 26, 104-109, 2009.

Abe S, Koyama C, Esaki M, Akasaka T, Uo M, Kuboki Y, Morita M, Watari F. In vivo internal diffusion of several inorganic microparticles through oral administration. Biomed Mater Eng 19, 221-229, 2009.

Abe S, Kida I, Esaki M, Akasaka T, Uo M, Hosono T, Sato Y, Jeyadevan B, Kuboki Y, Morita M, Tohji K, Watari F. Biodistribution imaging of magnetic particles in mice: X-ray scanning analytical microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging. Biomed Mater Eng 19, 213-220, 2009.

古田美智子,江國大輔,入江浩一郎,小山玲子,三部俊博,山中玲子,アクター ラヘナ,山本龍生,馬越通弘,粕山健太,森田 学. 大学生の口腔健康状態の調査および歯周健康状態と関連要因の検討. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 59, 165-172, 2009.

入江浩一郎,友藤孝明,江國大輔,東 哲司,三部俊博,粕山健太,馬越通弘,山本龍生,森田 学. 歯周疾患対策として液体歯磨剤へ抗菌剤,抗炎症剤およびビタミン類を配合する意義 -ラットの実験的歯周炎を用いての組織学的・免疫組織化学的検討- 日本歯周病学会会誌 51, 252-259, 2009.

山中玲子,曽我賢彦,縄稚久美子,柳文修,児玉直紀,中田貴,三浦留美,羽川操,竹内哲男,山根三榮子,森田 学,高柴正悟,浅海淳一,皆木省吾,吉山昌宏,下野勉,窪木拓男,佐々木朗,森田潔. 岡山大学病院周術期センター(歯科部門)設立後5ヵ月間の活動内容および今後の展開. 岡山歯学会雑誌 28, 37-42, 2009.

原田祥二,藤田真理,本多丘人,森田 学. 14歳女児にみられた上顎第一,第二大臼歯埋伏の1例 ―学校歯科健診の観点から―. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 59, 141-147, 2009.

Tomofuji T, Sanbe T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Irie K, Maruyama T, Tamaki N and Yamamoto T. Oxidative Damage of Rat Liver Induced by Ligature-induced Periodontitis and Chronic Ethanol Consumption. Archives of Oral Biology, 2008; 53(2):1113-8

Tamaki N, Tomofuji T, Maruyama T, Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Takeuchi N, and Yamamoto T . Relationship between Periodontal Condition and Plasma Reactive Oxygen Metabolites in Patients in the Maintenance Phase of Periodontal Treatment. Journal of Periodontology, 2008; 79(11):2136-42

Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Koyama R, Tsuneishi M, Naito K, Tobe K. Relationship between body mass index and periodontitis in young Japanese adults. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2008; 43(4):417-21

Irie K, Tomofuji T, Tamaki N, Sanbe T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Maruyama T, Yamamoto T. Effects of Ethanol Consumption on Periodontal Inflammation in Rats. Jounal of Dental Research. 2008; 87(5):456-460

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Tamaki N, Sanbe T, Azuma T, Yamanaka R, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. Mechanical stimulation of gingiva reduces plasma 8-OHdG level in rat periodontitis. Archives of Oral Biology. 2008; 53:324-329

Takeuchi N, Yamamoto T. Correlation between periodontal status and biting force in patients with chronic periodontitis during the maintenance phase of therapy. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2008; 35(3):215-20

恒石美登里,平田創一郎,山本龍生,石井拓男. 日本歯科医師会の平成18年度歯科医業経営実態調査についての検討-歯科医院経営に影響する因子-. 日本歯科医療管理学会雑誌. 2008; 43(2):106-114.

山中玲子,水島美枝子,Akhter Rahena,古田美智子,山本龍生,渡邊達夫. 高校生の歯周炎予防における電動歯ブラシの比較. 口腔衛生学会雑誌. 2008; 58(2): 125-133.

恒石美登里,平田創一郎,山本龍生,石井拓男. 日本歯科医師会の歯科医業経営実態調査についての検討-平成8年から18年までの経年的分析-. 日本歯科医療管理学会雑誌. 2008; 43(3): 175-183.

山中玲子,水川展吉,山本龍生,小山玲子,古田美智子,江國大輔,西川悟郎,岡崎惠子,志茂加代子,羽川操,森田 学. 岡山大学医学部・歯学部附属病院の頭頸部癌チーム医療における予防歯科の関わり.岡山歯学会雑誌. 2008; 27(2): 93-98.

恒石美登里,山本龍生. 社会医療診療行為別調査からみた抜髄・感染根管治療状況の変遷. ヘルスサイエンス・ヘルスケア. 2008; 8(2): 64-68.

小山玲子. 歯周病のスクリーニングにおける質問票の有効性. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌, 3(2) : 34-39, 2009.

Tomofuji T, Sakamoto T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. Location of proliferating cells following toothbrushing stimulation. Oral Dis, 13(1), 77-81, 2007

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamanaka R, Kusano H, Azuma T, Sanbe T, Tamaki N,Yamamoto T, Watanabe T, Miyauchi M, Takata T. Chronic administration of lipopolysaccharide and proteases induces periodontal inflammation and hepatic steatosis in rats. J Periodontol, 78(10), 1999-2006, 2007

Sanbe T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Azuma T, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T. Oral administration of vitamin C prevents alveolar bone resorption induced by high dietary cholesterol in rats.Journal of Periodontology. 2007; 78(11):2165-2170

山本龍生,江國大輔,友藤孝明. 歯周疾患と脂肪肝. 綜合臨牀. 2007; 56(10):2872-2876.

山本龍生,恒石美登里,神社亜生,渡邊達夫. 地域における14年間の歯周疾患予防活動の評価. 口腔衛生学会雑誌. 2007; 57(3):192-200

山本龍生,恒石美登里,村上千春,渡邊達夫. 8~10年間のメインテナンス患者における歯の喪失状況と喪失に関連する要因. 口腔衛生学会雑誌. 2007; 57(5):632-639

Kusano H, Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Sakamoto T, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. Proliferative response of gingival cells to ultrasonic and/or vibration toothbrushes. Am J Dent 19 2006 7-10

Ekuni D, Firth JD, Putnins EE. RNA integrity and in situ RT-PCR in dento-alveolar tissues after microwave accelerated demineralisation. Arch Oral Biol 51 2006 164-169

Ekuni D, Firth JD, Putnins EE. Regulation of epithelial cell growth factor receptor protein and gene expression using a rat periodontitis model. J Periodontal Res 41 2006 340-349

Yamamoto T, Kinoshita Y, Tsuneishi M, Takizawa H, Umemura O, Watanabe T. Estimation of the remaining periodontal ligament from attachment-level measurements. J Clin Periodontol 33 2006 221-225

Tomofuji T, Azuma T, Kusano H, Sanbe T, Ekuni D, Tamaki N, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. Oxidative damage of periodontal tissue in the rat periodontitis model: Effects of a high-cholesterol diet. FEBS Lett 580 2006 3601-3604

Tsuneishi M, Yamamoto T, Kokeguchi S, Tamaki N, Fukui K, Watanabe T. Composition of the bacterial flora in tonsilloliths. Microbes Infect 8 2006 2384-2389

Sakamoto T, Horiuchi M, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. Spatial extent of proliferation of oral sulcular epithelium by toothbrushing. J Oral Health 3 2006 33-37

恒石美登里. X線写真から見た根管充填歯と根尖部透過像の分布. 岡山歯学会雑誌 25 2006

東 哲司. ラット歯周炎におけるIL-1β,TNF-αの発現に及ぼす高コレステロ-ル食の影響. 岡山歯学会雑誌 25 2006

渡邊達夫,竹内倫子,友藤孝明,山本龍生. 今後の歯科医療需要を読む -新しい歯科医療技術の予測に関するアンケ-トの調査から-. 日本歯科評論 66 2006 145-155

恒石美登里,山本龍生,渡邊達夫. 歯科にも求められる「膿栓」への対応. 日本歯科評論 66 2006 115-118

友藤孝明. 歯周病とコレステロール -動物実験による検証I-. 月刊保団連 908 2006 53-56

友藤孝明. 歯周病とコレステロール -動物実験による検証II-. 月刊保団連 915 2006 49-52

Ohishi K, Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Tamaki N and Watanabe. Isolation and characterization of amiopeptidase from Capnocytophaga granulosa ATCC 51502. Oral Microbiol Immunol (2005) 20, 67-72

Ekuni D, Tomofuji T, Yamanaka R, Tachibana K, Yamamoto T and Watanabe. Initial apical migration of junctional epithelium in rats following application of lipopolysaccharide and proteases. J Periodontol (2005) 76, 43-48

Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Yamanaka R, Tomofuji T and Watanabe T. Beating stimulation promotes proliferative activity in rat gingival cells. Dentistry in Japan (2005) 41, 89-94

Tsuneishi M, Yamamoto T, Yamanaka R, Tamaki N, Sakamoto T, Tsuji K and Watanabe T. Radiographic evaluation of periapical status and prevalence of endodontic treatment in an adult Japanese population. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod (2005) 100, 631-635

Tomofuji T, Kusano H, Azuma T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T and Watanabe T. Fibroblast proliferation and resultant increase in gingival tissue volume in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet. Int J Oral Health (2005) 2, 49-53

Watanabe T, Yamamoto T and Tomofuji T. Strategy for 8020 in Japan - Review of the literature on periodontal disease-. Int J Oral Health (2005) 2, 11-20

Petersen PE and Yamamoto T. Improving the oral health of older people: the approach of the WHO Global Oral Health Programme. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol (2005) 33, 81-92

山本龍生,竹内倫子,坂本友紀,村上千春,友藤孝明,恒石美登里,渡邊達夫. 歯周治療のメンテナンス間隔を決定する要因. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 (2005) 55, 207-209

山本龍生,江國大輔,山中玲子,坂本友紀,林 浩範,渡邊達夫. ラット歯周炎モデルに対するグリチルリチン酸ジカリウム,クレイツイオンを配合した歯磨剤と機械的刺激との効果. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 (2005) 55, 537-542

坂本友紀,多田 徹,鳩本清美,山本龍生,渡邊達夫. 岡山県における歯科保健事業実施状況と3歳児う蝕有病者率. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 (2005) 55, 600-607

久保田 聡,完山 学,吉田登志子,十川紀夫,山本龍生,平田あずみ,美藤純弘,十川千春,市川博之,鈴木康司,衣田圭宏,丸尾幸憲,宮脇卓也,香川智正,西村英紀,窪木拓男,松村誠士. 岡山大学歯学部1年次学生に対するテュートリアル教育の成果. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2005) 24, 85-95

苔口 進,前田博史,玉木直文,福井一博. 難培養微生物群集へのメタゲノム解析によるアプローチ. 日本細菌学雑誌 (2005) 60, 491-494

蘇 鉄,舩曵信生,岸本悦央. 歯輪郭線抽出法の改良とWEB実装による歯のデータベース構築. 信学技報 (2005) PRMU2004-168, 31-36

岸本悦央. 特集Q&A 唾液の働きを科学する Question 9 唾液の分泌量を増やしたり,サラサラにする生活習慣はありますか?. 歯界展望 (2005) 105, 584-585

岸本悦央. 特集Q&A 唾液の働きを科学する Question 10 唾液の分泌量を増やす方法には,どんなものがありますか?. 歯界展望 (2005) 105, 586-587

岸本悦央. 特集Q&A 唾液の働きを科学する Question 11 唾液が少ない高齢の患者さんでも義歯は安定しますか?. 歯界展望 (2005) 105, 588-589

Morita M, Horiuchi M, Kinoshita Y, Yamamoto T and Watanabe T. Relationship between blood triglyceride levels and periodontal status. Community Dent Health (2004) 21, 32-36

Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Sakamoto T, Horiuchi M and Watanabe T. Effects of toothbrushing frequency on proliferation of gingival cells and collagen synthesis. J Clin Periodontol (2004) 31, 40-44

Yamamoto T, Ishikawa A, Watanabe Y, Hirano N, Shibata Y and Watanabe T. Prevalence of horizontal attachment loss in extracted teeth. J Clin Periodontol (2004) 31, 791-795

Tomofuji T, Yamamoto T, Sakamoto T, Ekuni D and Watanabe T. Gingival cell responses to sonic or oscillating/rotating electric toothbrushes. Int J Oral Health (2004) 1, 11-15

Tomofuji T, Kusano H, Azuma T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T and Kishimoto T. Gingival cell proliferation induced by use of a sonic toothbrush with warmed silicone rubber bristles. J Periodontol (2004) 75, 1636-1639

山中玲子. 機械的刺激によるラット歯肉の接合上皮基底細胞と細胞周期の変化. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2004) 23, 117-126

山本龍生,下野順子,神社亜生,恒石美登里,渡邊達夫. 歯周治療のメインテナンス期における歯周状態とBody Mass Index,血圧との関係. 日本歯周病学会会誌 (2004) 46, 247-252

友藤孝明,東 哲司,草野弘揮,山本龍生,多田 徹,森田 学,渡邊達夫. 歯周病におけるプロービングデプス,アタッチメントレベルの臨床的意義に関する研究. 日本歯周病学会会誌 (2004) 46, 253-258

丹生谷吉紀,舩曵信生,岸本悦央. 可変テンプレートマッチング法による歯の輪郭線抽出法の提案. 信学技報 (2004) PRMU 2003-205, 43-48

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,坂本友紀. つまようじ法のすすめ-その1.積極的な歯周治療-. 日本歯科評論 (2004) 64, 125-130

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,坂本友紀. つまようじ法のすすめ-その2.つまようじ法の概要と理論-. 日本歯科評論 (2004) 64, 139-144

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,坂本友紀. つまようじ法のすすめ-その3.理論・実践・成果(1)-. 日本歯科評論 (2004) 64, 111-115

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,坂本友紀. つまようじ法のすすめ-その4.理論・実践・成果(2)-. 日本歯科評論 (2004) 64, 133-139

渡邊達夫,西 一也. 歯磨きはどの程度行えばよいのですか. 日本歯科評論 (2004) 64, 13-15

渡邊達夫,友藤孝明. 歯周治療における音波効果. Dental Products News Dental Hygienist (2004) 10, 2-3

渡邊達夫,山本龍生. 使っていますか?音波ブラシ 歯周治療における音波効果. デンタルハイジーン (2004) 24, 1044-1047

岸本悦央,高木 慎. 口腔乾燥症・その実態とケア方法を考える 第1部口腔乾燥症の実態を知るー総説ー. 歯科衛生士 (2004) 28, 22-28

高木 慎,岸本悦央. 口腔乾燥症・その実態とケア方法を考える 第2部口腔乾燥症患者へのケア方法. 歯科衛生士 (2004) 28, 29-36

Morita M, Nishi K, Kimura T, Fukushima M, Watanabe T, Yamashita F, Zeou R, Yang J and Xu X. Correlation between periodontal status and biting ability in Chinese adult population. J Oral Rehabil (2003) 30, 260-264

Sakamoto T, Horiuchi M, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T and Watanabe T. Spatial extent of gingival cell activation due to mechanical stimulation by toothbrushing. J Periodontol (2003) 74, 585-589

Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Horiuchi M, Sakamoto T and Watanabe T. Optimum force and duration of toothbrushing to enhance gingival fibroblast proliferation and procollagen type I synthesis in dogs. J Periodontol (2003) 74, 630-634

Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Yamanaka R, Tachibana K and Watanabe T. Proteases augment the effects of lipopolysaccharide in rat gingiva. J Periodont Res (2003) 38, 591-596

山本龍生,渡邊達夫,滝沢秀彦,梅村長生. 8020達成度予測は可能か-「有効歯根表面積」を用いた歯の残存予測法の開発-. 日本歯科医師会雑誌 (2003) 56, 209-213

恒石美登里,赤木 毅,中林浩樹,喜田有美子,山本龍生,森田 学,渡邊達夫. 平成10-11年における岡山大学歯学部附属病院外来初診患者の主訴分析-昭和63年との比較-. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2003) 22, 415-424

山本龍生,菅野 綾,森田 学,多田 徹,渡邊達夫. 診療報酬明細書からみた歯科受診と医科受診の関連性. 口腔衛生会誌 (2003) 53, 531-534

鳥井康弘,吉田登志子,荒川 光,若狭 亨,宮脇正一,新井英雄,塚本剛一,福永城司,長塚 仁,中村浩彰,白井 肇,糀谷 淳,高木 慎,岸本悦央,嶋田昌彦,山本敏男,吉山昌宏,鈴木一臣,永井教之. 岡山大学歯学部臨床直前学生に対するOSCEの試み-学生アンケート調査の評価-. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2003) 22, 219-227

岸本悦央. 口腔乾燥を知る-患者さんの服用している薬品情報から-. 歯科衛生士雑誌 (2003) 27, 37-43

羽川 操,玉木直文,渡邊達夫. つまようじ法-宿主の抵抗性を高めるブラッシング-. デンタル ハイジーン (2003) 23, 944-947

Tamaki N, Tada T, Morita M, Watanabe T. Comparison of inhibitory activity on calcium phosphate precipitation by acidic proline-rich proteins, statherin, and Histatin-1. Clicif Tissue Int (2002) 71, 59-62

Tomofuji T, Morita M, Horiuchi M, Sakamoto T, Ekuni D, Yamamoto T, Watanabe T. The effect of duration and force of mechanical toothbrushing stimulation on proliferative activity of the junctional epithelium. J Periodontol (2002) 73, 1149-1152

Horiuchi M, Yamamoto T, Tomofuji T, Ishikawa A, Morita M, Watanabe T. Toothbrshing promotes gingival fibroblast proliferation more effectively than removal of dental plaque. J Ciln Periodontol (2002) 29, 791-795

坂本友紀,友藤孝明,堀内正純,江國大輔,森田 学,山本龍生,渡邊達夫. ナイロンに多元素鉱物粉状体を混合して成形したフィラメントを用いた歯ブラシのブラッシング効果. 口腔衛生会誌 (2002) 52, 221-228

江國 大輔. 歯周病原因子を投与することによってラット歯周炎を誘発するモデルの研究. 岡山歯誌 (2002) 21, 75‐82

恒石美登里,小椋正之,森田 学,渡邊達夫,岡田真人,宮武光吉,梅村長生. 社会保険診療報酬明細書をもとにした歯周治療の推移. 口腔衛生学会誌 (2002) 52, 22-27

恒石美登里,山本龍生,森田 学,渡邊達夫,梅村長生. 社会保険診療報酬明細書をもとにした歯周治療の推移. 口腔衛生会誌 (2002) 52, 229-234

渡邊達夫,恒石美登里,山本龍生. 診療報酬明細書からみた抜髄と感染根管治療の受療者の高齢化. 日本歯科評論 (2002) 62, 162-165

渡邊達夫,長光敬人. フッ化物を応用した根面う蝕予防. 日本歯科評論 (2002) 62, 95-99

渡邊達夫. 歯の寿命を延ばすには. 自分のための健診 (2002) 8-9. 16

岸本悦央. 口腔乾燥症の原因. 歯界展望 (2002) 100, 27-32

岸本悦央. 特集「唾液分泌低下と口腔乾燥」:口腔乾燥の原因と頻度. デンタルハイジーン (2002) 22, 607-610

渡邊達夫,恒石美登里,山本龍生. 診療報酬明細書からみた抜髄と感染根管治療の受療者の高年齢化. 日本歯科評論 (2002) 62, 162-165

石井拓男,宮武光吉,渡邊達夫. 川渕論文「急がれる外来版DRGの開発」について. 社会保険旬報 (2002) 26-27

Ogura, M., Yamamoto, T., Morita, M. and Watanabe, T. A case-control study on food intake of patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics (2001) 91, 45-49

Kimura, T., Morita, M., Kinoshita, T., Tsuneishi, M., Akagi, T., Yamashita, F. and Watanabe, T. Fluoride intake from food and drink in Japanese children aged 1-6 years. Caries Research (2001) 35, 47-49

Hewett, P.W., Nishi, K., Daft, E.L. and Murray, J.C. Selective expression of erg isoforms in human endothelial cells. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cellular Biology (2001) 33, 347-355

大石憲一,北川恵美子,森田 学,渡邊達夫,松浦孝正,伊藤基一郎. 岡山県における永久歯抜歯の理由について ―平成10年調査と昭和61年調査との比較―. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 (2001) 51, 57-62

山本龍生,李 容顕,坂本友紀,渡邊達夫,川上英治,古野勝志. 100 ppmフッ化ナトリウム洗口液,pH 4.5の保存性. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2001) 20, 115-118

友藤孝明. イヌ歯肉線維芽細胞の生物活性に及ぼすブラッシング力と時間の影響. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2001) 20, 67-74

玉木直文. ヒト耳下腺唾液中のリン酸カルシウム沈殿促進物質. 岡山歯学会雑誌 (2001) 20, 57-66

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,玉木直文,友藤孝明. 音波ブラシ ソニッケアーの有効性. Dental Product News (2001) ・121, 16-17

渡邊達夫,山本龍生,堀内正純,坂本友紀. 歯周治療に対するもう一つの見方 ― 宿主抵抗性と機械的刺激 ―. Dental Product News (2001) ・125, 5-6