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小橋 基(准教授)
足立 明(初代教授) 足立先生の能面はこちら
山本 隆(幾央大学健康科学部教授)
舩橋 誠(北海道大学大学院歯学研究科教授)
1. Kobashi
M. Mizutani S. Fujita M. Mitoh Y. Shimatani Y. Matsuo R.(2014) Central orexin
inhibits reflex swallowing elicited by the superior laryngeal nerve via caudal
brainstem in the rat. Physiology & Behavior 130:6-12.
1. 松尾龍二他(2013)T編 顎・口腔の構造と機能 8章唾液, 歯・口腔の構造と機能 口腔解剖学・口腔組織発生学・口腔生理学. 全国歯科衛生士教育協議会 監修、医歯薬出版.東京 136-146.
2. 松尾龍二他(2013)V編 歯・口腔の構造と機能を理解するための実習 (4)唾液分泌を理解する実習;反射唾液と安静時唾液の分泌量の測定, 歯・口腔の構造と機能 口腔解剖学・口腔組織発生学・口腔生理学. 全国歯科衛生士教育協議会 監修、医歯薬出版.東京 264-265.
3. 川口 充、松尾龍二(2013) 特集 唾液を用いた検査法の問題点と血中薬物動態測定代替法の展望 序文.日本薬理学雑誌141(6):295.
4. 松尾龍二、美藤純弘、松島あゆみ(2013) 精神的ストレスと唾液分泌中枢 精神ストレスと上唾液核への下降性ニューロンにおける神経調節機構. 日本薬理学雑誌141(6):306-309.
5. 松尾龍二(2013)1章 口腔の科学 1.5 唾液腺の解剖生理 2 唾液と唾液腺の生理 口腔科学. 戸塚・高戸監修、朝倉書店. 東京 99-103.
6. 小橋 基(2013)1章 口腔の科学 1.4 口腔の機能. 2 食欲調節と摂食のメカニズム 口腔科学. 戸塚・高戸監修、朝倉書店. 東京 61-67.
7. 水谷諭史、小橋基、藤田雅子、美藤純弘、島谷祐一、松尾龍二(2013)GLP-1中枢投与による反射性嚥下修飾作用. 日本味と匂学会誌20(3):237-240.
1. 松尾龍二他(2012)第3編 口腔生理学実習 15章 唾液分泌,歯科生理学実習. 全国歯科衛生士教育協議会 監修、医歯薬出版.東京 73-74.
2. 松尾龍二他(2012)加齢変化と口腔生理 20 どうして赤ん坊は涎が多いのだろう?, 新・口腔の生理から?どうしてを解く. 森本俊文 監修、デンタルダイヤモンド社.東京 86-89 .
3. 松尾龍二他(2012) 21.どうして年齢とともに唾液が少なくなるのだろう?, 新・口腔の生理から?どうしてを解く. 森本俊文 監修、デンタルダイヤモンド社.東京 90-93.
4. 松尾龍二他(2012)臨床歯科と口腔生理 歯周病 24 どうしてう蝕や歯周病のなりやすさと唾液の性質は関係があるのだろう?, 新・口腔の生理から?どうしてを解く. 森本俊文 監修、デンタルダイヤモンド社.東京 100-103.
5. M Kobashi, S Mizutani,Y
Shimatani(2012) Chapter IV Role of
Central Ghrelin in the Gastric Accommodation and Reflex Swallowing, Ghrelin:
Production, Action Mechanisms and Physiological Effects, H. Yamada, K. Takahashi eds, Nova Science Publishers,
New York, 77-94.
6. 水谷諭史、小橋基、藤田雅子、美藤純弘、島谷祐一、松尾龍二(2012) オレキシン-Aによる反射性嚥下抑制を惹起する中枢作用部位の検討. 日本味と匂学会誌19(3):365-368.
7. 柳原 衞、水谷雅年、小橋 基(2012) 上喉頭神経刺激によりc-fosを発現したNOS免疫陽性近胃部投射ニューロン. 形態・機能 11(1):67.
1. 松尾龍二、長塚 仁(2011) 留学生受け入れにみる歯科の国際連携/第21回岡山大学歯学部における国際交流.
2. 水谷諭史、小橋基、藤田雅子、美藤純弘、島谷祐一、松尾龍二(2012) オレキシン中枢投与による嚥下反射の抑制 日本味と匂学会誌18(3):327-330.
3. Ueda H, Mitoh Y, Fujita M, Kobashi M, Yamashiro T,
Sugimoto T, Ichikawa H and Matsuo R(2011) Muscarinic receptor immunoreactivity
in the superior salivatory
nucleus neurons innervating the
salivary glands of the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 499:42-46.
1. Kobashi M, Xuan SY, Fujita M, Mitoh M, and Matsuo R (2010)
Central ghrelin reflex swallowing elicited by activation of the superior
laryngeal nerve in the rat. Regul Pept,160:19-25.
松香芳三、池亀美華、吉田登志子、有馬太郎、皆木省吾、山本敏男、高柴正悟、窪木拓男、北山滋男、滝川正春、松尾龍二(2009) 岡山大学歯学部戦略的計画-求められている今後の対応策-
岡山歯学会雑誌、 28:123-130.
2.山形隆造、小橋基、松尾龍二、古我知成(2009) 食事による嚥下能の修飾作用の解析. 日本味と匂学会誌、16:485-488.
3.Kobashi M, Yanagihara M, Fujita M, Mitoh
Y and Matsuo R (2009) Fourth
ventricular administration of ghrelin induces relaxation of the proximal
stomach in the rat.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 296:
1.松尾龍二 他(2008) 第24章 唾液・唾液腺. 基礎歯科生理学 第5版. 森本・ 山田編、医歯薬出版、東京 404-420.
2.松尾龍二(2008) 3.唾液分泌機構と唾液の組成. 口腔内科学. 尾崎編、株式会社 飛鳥、高知 45-50.
3.松尾龍二(2008) 5.味覚の異常と加齢変化. 口腔内科学. 尾崎編、株式会社 飛鳥、 高知 61-64.
4.松尾龍二(2008) 3.味覚の臨床. 口腔内科学. 尾崎編、株式会社 飛鳥、高知 322-449.
Y, Funahashi M, Fujii A, Fujita M, Kobashi M and Matsuo R (2008) Development of
inhibitory synaptic transmission to the superior salivatory nucleus in rats.
Brain Res.1191:47-54.
6.Kodama N, Nishigawa
G, Maruo Y, Minagi S and Matsuo R (2008)
Effects of Experimental Palatal Appliances on Oral Senses. Prosthodontic
Research & Practice 7: 186-188.
1. 美藤純弘 他(2007) 6.3 ハチ毒アナフィラキシー・ショックとエピペンの取り扱い. 薬剤師・MR・コメディカルのための救急医療マニュアル, 82-88.
2. 松尾龍二 他(2007) 第1章人体の構造と機能, イラストでわかる歯科医学の基礎, 45-62.
3. 小橋 基、玄 松玉、美藤純弘、藤田雅子、松尾龍二(2007) 上喉頭神経由来の反射性嚥下におよぼす中枢グレリンの調節作用.日本味と匂学会誌14:365-368.
4. Kobashi M
(2007) Possible role of orexigenic neuropeptides in the reservoir function of
the stomach.
Neuropeptide Research Trends, 121-141
5. Tsukamoto G,
Ichikawa H, Kobashi M, Yamada Y, Kikuchi T, Mese H and Sasaki A (2007)
Cisplatin-induced long-term dynorphin A-immunoreactivity in cell somata of rat
areapostrema neurons.
Neuroscience Letters,424:122-126.
6. 松尾龍二
(2007) 2章 ドライマウスに関連する疾患と病態ならびに対処法。唾液の役割「ドライマウスの臨床」、180-4.
7. Kodama N, Funahashi M, Mitoh Y, Minagi S and
Matsuo R (2007) Purinergic
modulation of area postrema neuronal excitability in rat brain slices. Brain
Research 1165: 50-59.
8. Mese H, Matsuo R (2007) Salivary secretion, taste and
hyposalivation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 34: 711-23.
9. 松尾龍二
(2007) 唾液の抗微生物作用について.日本医事新報、4343:97-8.
10. 松尾龍二、小橋基
(2007) 咀嚼と味覚,消化吸収。咀嚼の事典、63-76.
1. 松尾龍二 (2006) イラストでわかる歯科医学の基礎. 45-63.
2. 松尾龍二 (2006) おいしく食べるための唾液分泌、矯正YEAR BOOK’06クインテッセンス出版、50-52.
3. 松尾龍二 (2006) 唾液分泌の中枢制御機構、日本薬理学雑誌(Folia Pharmacol.Jpn)127:261-266.
4. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y, Akaike T and Matsuo R (2006)
Variety of morphological and electrophysiological properties of area postrema
neurons in adult rat brain slices.
Neuroscience Research, 54:43-48.
5. Kobashi M, Shimatani Y, Shirota K, Xuan SY,
Mitoh Y and Matsuo R (2006) Central neuropeptide Y induces
proximal stomach relaxation via Y1 receptors in the dorsal vagal complex of the
American Journal of Physiology- Reguratory
Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 290:R290-R297.
1. 松尾龍二 他(2005) 第3節 唾液. 食感創造ハンドブック. 西成勝好、大越ひろ、神山かおる、山本隆編, サイエンスフォーラム, 東京 57-63.
2. 松尾龍二(2005)おいしさを演出する唾液、特集「唾液による健康づくり」、日本歯科評論増刊2005、東京、pp161-168.
3. Furudono Y, Ando C, Kobashi M, Yamamoto C and
Yamamoto T (2005) The role of orexinergic neuropeptides
in the ingestion of sweet-tasting substances in rats.
Chemical Senses 30: i186-i187.
4. Kohjitani A, Funahashi M, Miyawaki T, Hanazaki
M, Matsuo R and Shimada M(2005)Peripheral
N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptors Modulate Nonadrenergic Noncholinergic Lower
Esophageal Sphincter Relaxation in Rabbits.
Anesthesia and Analgesia 101(6):1681-8.
5. Kobashi Miyuki, Ichikawa H, Kobashi M,
Funahashi M, Mitoh Y and Matsuo R(2005)The origin of sensory nerve fibers that innervate
the submandibular salivary gland in the rat. Brain Res,(2005)
mechanism and possible role of inhibition of gastric motility induced by
superior laryngeal afferents. Chemical Senses Suppl, 1:i72-i73.
1. 舩橋 誠,松尾龍二 (2004) 最後野ニューロンのペースメーカー活性/過分極作動性内向きカチオン電流による制御。生体の科学特集 脳の深部を探る。55(6): 323-328.
2. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y and Matsuo R (2004)
Activation of presynaptic 5-HT3 receptors facillitates glutamatergic synaptic
transmission in rat area postrema neurons.
Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology,
3. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y and Matsuo R (2004)
Nicotinic modulation of area postrema neuronal excitability in rat brain
slices. Brain Research 1017(1-2): 227-233.
4. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y and Matsuo R (2004) The sensitivity of
hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) to propofol in rat area
postrema neurons. Brain Research 1015(1-2):198-201.
5. Mitoh Y, Funahashi M, Kobashi M, Matsuo R
(2004) Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents of the superior
salivatory nucleus innervating the salivary glands and tongue in the rat.
Research, 999:62-72.
1. 樋口仁,舩橋 誠,宮脇卓也,美藤純弘,糀谷 淳,嶋田昌彦,松尾龍二 (2003) プロポフォールの中枢神経抑制作用に関する電気生理学的研究。岡山歯学会雑誌 22:165-17.
2. Funahashi M (2003) Role of the cyclic
nucleotide-gated channels in pacemaker activity in the central nervous system.
Novartis Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science Annual Report
3. Kohjitani A, Miyawaki T, Funahashi M, Mitoh Y,
Matsuo R (2003) Shimada M. Mexiletine inhibits nonadrenergic noncholinergic
lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation in rabbits.
European Journal of Pharmacology 465: 145-151.
4. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y, Kohjitani A and Matsuo R
(2003) Role of the hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) for
pacemaker activity in area postrema neurons of rat brain slices.
Journal of Physiology (Lond), 552.1:
5. Matsuo R, Mitoh Y, Funahashi M, Kobashi M
(2003) Morphological study on the superior salivatory nucleus innervating the
submandibular and sublingual salivatory glands and tongue in rats.
Dentistry in Japan, 39: 34-36.
6. Kohjitani A, Miyawaki T, Funahashi M, Higuchi
H, Matsuo R, Shimada M (2003) Ketamine and Midazolam Differentially Inhibit
Nonadrenergic Noncholinergic Lower Esophageal Sphincter Relaxation in
Rabbits: Role of Superoxide Anion and Nitric Oxide Synthase.
Anesthesiology, Feb;98(2):449-458.
7. Higuchi H, Funahashi M, Miyawaki T, Mitoh Y,
Kohjitani A, Shimada M and Matsuo R (2003) Depressant effect of propofol on the
neuronal activity of rat hippocampal CA1 neurons via
hyperpolarization-activated channel and glutamatergic synaptic transmission.
Neurosicence Research, 45(4): 459-472.
8. Koga T, Kobashi M, Mizutani M, Tsukamoto G,
Matsuo R (2003) Area postrema mediates gastric motor response induced by
apomorphine in rats.Brain Res, 960:122-31.
M (2002) Modulation of neural activity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala
by the propagation of synchronous burst discharges from parahippocampal
Japanese Journal of Oral Biology, 44:195-202.
2. Kobashi M, Furudono Y, Matsuo R, Yamamoto T
(2002) Related Articles, Central orexin facilitates gastric relaxation and
contractility in rats. Neuroscience Letters 332(3):171-4.
3. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y, and Matsuo R (2002)
Electrophysiological properties of the rat area postrema neurons displaying
both the transient outward current and the hyperpolarization-activated inward
Research Bulletin 58(3): 337-343.
4. Funahashi M, Mitoh Y and Matsuo R (2002) Two
distinct types of transient outward currents in area postrema neurons in rat
brain slices. Brain Research, 942:31-45.
5. Funahashi M, Matsuo R and Stewart M (2002)
Long-term enhancement of excitatory synaptic inputs to layer V parahippocampal
neurons by low frequency stimulation in rat brain slices.
Research, 42(1): 65-77.
6. Kobashi M, Koga T, Mizutani M, and Matsuo R
(2002) Suppression of vagal motor activities evokes laryngeal afferent-mediated
inhibition of gastric motility.
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative
Physiology, 282:R818-R827.
1. 小橋基、柳原 衛、水谷雅年、松尾龍二 (2001) 上喉頭神経刺激による迷走神経背側核ニューロンのc-fos発現, 日本味と匂学会誌 8: 555-558.
2. Kitada Y., Okuda-Akabane K. and Mitoh Y.
(2001) Effects of amiloride on gustatory neural responses to salts in the frog.
Chem Senses, in press
3. Funahashi M, Higuchi H, Miyawaki T, Shimada M,
Matsuo R (2001) Propofol suppresses a hyperpolarization-activated inward
current in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons,
Neuroscience Letters, 311: 177-180.
4. Kohjitani A, Miyawaki T, Funahashi M, Mitoh Y,
Matsuo R, Shimada M (2001) Intravenous anesthetics inhibit nonadrenergic
noncholinergic lower esophageal sphincter r
elaxation via nitric oxcide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway
modulation in rabbits, Anesthesiology, 95:176-182.
5. Masuda, Y., Kato, T., Hidaka, O., Matsuo, R.,
Inoue, T., Iwata, K. and Morimoto, T. (2001) Neural activity in the putamen and
the globus pallidus of rabbit during mastication. Neurosci. Res., 39: 11-19.
6. Matsuo R, Yamauchi Y, Kobashi M, Funahashi M,
Mitoh Y and Adachi A (2001) Role of parabrachial nuclues in submandibular
salivary secretion induced by bitter taste stimulation in rats.
Neurosci. 88: 61-73.
M, Matsuo R and Stewart M (2000) Propagation of synchronous burst discharges
from entorhinal cortex to morphologically and electro-physiologically
identified neurons of rat lateral amygdala.
Brain Res. 884:104-115.
2. Izawa S, Inoue K, Adachi A & Funahashi M
(2000) Activity of neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract of rats: effect
of osmotic and mechanical stimuli. Neurosci Lett, 288:33-36.
3. Yamada Y, Tsukamoto G, Kobashi M, Sasaki A and
Matsumura T (2000) Abdominal vagi
mediate c-Fos expression induced by X-ray irradiation in the nucleus tractus
solitarii of the rat.
Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 83: 29-36.
4. Kobashi M, Mizutani M and Matsuo R (2000)
Water stimulation of the posterior oral cavity induces inhibition of gastric
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory Integrative Comparative
Physiology, 279, R778-R785.
5. 小橋基,水谷雅年,古我知成 (2000) 末梢受容器による胃運動の調節とその神経メカニズム. 自律神経,37: 483-485.
6. Matuso R, Garrett JR, Proctor GB &
Carpenter GH (2000) Reflex secretion of proteins into submandibular saliva in
conscious rats, before and after preganglionic sympathectomy.
Physol Lond , 527:175-184.
7. Matsuo R (2000) Role of saliva in the
maintenance of taste sensitivity. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and
Medicine, 11: 216-229.
1. 小橋基,松尾龍二,水谷雅年 (1999) 迷走神経節前ニューロンの喉頭化学刺激に対する応答性. 日本味と匂学会誌6: 595-598.
2. 松尾龍二 (1999) 行動中のラットにおける鼓索神経味応答の記録法. 日本味と匂学会誌6:223-228.
3. Funahashi M, Harris E & Stewart M (1999)
Re-entrant activity in a presubiculum-subiculum circuit generates epileptiform
activity in vitro. Brain Res, 849:139-146.
4. Funahashi M, He Y-F, Sugimoto T & Matsuo R
(1999) Noxious tooth pulp stimulation suppresses c-Fos expression in the rat
hippocampal formation. Brain Res, 827:215-220.
5. Matsuo R (1999) Interrelation of taste and
saliva. In Neural mechanisms of salivary gland secretion (Eds, Garrett JR,
Ekstrom J and Anderson LC) Front Oral Biol, Basel, Karger, 185-195.
6. Matsuo R (1999) Central connections for
salivary innervations and efferent impulse formation. In: Neural mechanisms of
salivary gland secretion
Garrett JR, Ekstrom J and Anderson LC ) Front Oral Biol, Basel, Karger, 26-43.
7. Inoue T, Itoh S, Kobayashi M, Kang Y, Matsuo
R, Wakisaka S & Morimoto T (1999) Serotonergic modulation of the
hyperpolarizing spike afterpotential in rat jaw-closing motoneurons by PKA and
Neurophysiol, 82: 626 637.
8. Mizuno J, Matsuo R & Morimoto T (1999)
Modulation of facial nerve discharge by tactile facial stimulation in the rat.
In: Neurobiology of mastication - from molecular to systems approach
Nakamura Y and Sessle BJ) Elsevier Science publishers, Amsterdam, 432-434.
9. Matsuo R (1999) Discharge pattern of the
superior salivatory nucleus in the rat:in vivo and in vitro studies. In:
Neurobiology of mastication - from molecular to systems approach
Nakamura Y and Sessle BJ) Elsevier Science publishers, Amsterdam, 139-148.
10. Itoh S, Inoue T, Kobayashi M, Kang Y, Ogawa
S, Matsuo R, Wakisaka S, Takada K & Morimoto T (1999) Effects of serotonin
on spike afterhyperpolarization in rat trigeminal motoneurons.
Neurobiology of mastication - from molecular to systems approach
Nakamura Y and Sessle BJ) Elsevier Science publishers, Amsterdam, 86-88.
11. Inoue T, Ogawa S, Itoh S, Matsuo R, Masuda Y,
Komuro A, Hidaka O & Morimoto T (1999) Low-voltage activated calcium
conductances in neonatal rat trigeminal motoneurons.
Neurobiology of mastication - from molecular to systems approach
(Eds. Nakamura Y and Sessle BJ) Elsevier Science publishers, Amsterdam,
12. Kitada Y, Okuda-Akabane K, Kawarada K &
Mitoh Y (1999) Effect of amiloride on the taste responses of the frog
glossopharyngeal nerve to Ca, Mg and Na salts.
Neurobiology of mastication - from molecular to systems approach
(Eds. Nakamura Y and Sessle BJ) Elsevier
Sciencepublishers, Amsterdam, 73-75.
1. 北田泰之, 奥田-赤羽和久, 川原田啓, 美藤純弘 (1998) カエル舌咽神経の陽イオン応答に対するアミロライドの効果 日本味と匂学会誌 5: 501-504.
2. Matsuka Y, Kitada Y, Mitoh Y, Adachi A & Yamasita
A (1998) Effects of a bite-raising splint on the dulation of the chewing cycle
and the EMG activities of masticatory muscles during chewing in freely moving
J Oral
Rehab, 25:159-165.
3. Kitada Y, Mitoh Y & Hill DL (1998) Salt
taste response of the IXth nerve in Sprague-Dawley rats: lack of sensitivity of
amiloride. Physiol Behav, 63: 945-949.
4. Sugimoto T, He Y-F , Funahashi M &
Ichikawa H (1998) Induction of immediate-early genes c-fos and zif268 in the
subnucleus oralis by noxious tooth pulp stimulation. Brain Res, 794: 353-358.
5. Matsuo R & Kang Y (1998) Two types of
parasympathetic preganglionic neurones in the superior salivatory nucleus
characterized electrophysiologically in slice preparations of neonatal rats.
Physiol Lond, 513: 157-170.
6. Matsuo R, Morimoto T & Kang Y (1998)
Neural activity of the superior salivatory neucleus in rats. Eur J Morphol, 36:
7. Kobashi M, Mizutani M & Adachi A (1998)
Facilitation of gastric motility induced by portal infusion of hyper- and
hypotonic solution in rats.
J Autn
Nerv Syst, 73: 156-162.
8. Kobashi M & Bradley R M (1998) Effects of
GABA on neurons of the gustatory and visceral zones of the parabrachial nucleus
in rats. Brain Res, 799: 323-328.
9. Kobashi M & Bradley RM (1998) Differences
in the intrinsic membrane characteristics of parabrachial nucleus neurons
processing gustatory and visceral information.
Res, 781: 215-223.
10. Funahashi M & Stewart M (1998) Properties
of gamma-frequency oscillations initiated by propagating population bursts in
retrohippocampal regions of rat brain slices.
Physiol Lond, 510: 191-208.
11. Funahashi M & Stewart M (1998) GABA
receptor-mediated postsynaptic potentials in the retrohippocampal cortices:
regional, laminar and cellular comparisons.
Res, 787: 19-33.
12. Adachi A & Kobashi M (1998) Role of
hepatic afferent nerves in the control of saline and water intake. In: Liver
and nervous system
Eds. Haussinger D and Jun germann K) Kluwer academic publishers, Dordrecht,