Dec. 14th (Sat)・15th(Sun) 2024 *Jointly with 21th Conference of International Society for Clinical bioethics (ISCB)
<21st Conference of ISCB> ▶︎Local President: Nader Ghotbi, MD, Ph.D., Prof. of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University ▶︎Venue: Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan (Room: J301, 3rd Floor, Green Commons) (Official Web) ▶︎Main Theme: What is the Role of Bioethics Now? ▶︎Method of the Conference: ONLINE and FACE-TO-FACE ▶︎Organizing Committee: Chair Prof. Michael Tai, Ph.D., Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan Prof. Fra Luka Tomašević, Ph.D., University of Split, Croatia Prof. Keisuke Shishido, Ph.D., Okayama University, Japan (Chairman of the Organizing Committee) Prof. Tsuyoshi Awaya, Ph.D., Okayama-shoka University, Japan (Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee) ▶︎Scientific Committee: Prof. Selvanayagam Mariadoss, Ph.D., Loyola college, India Prof. Shunzo Majima, Ph.D., Institute of ScienceTokyo, Japan Prof. Suzana Vuletić, Ph.D., Josip Juraj Strossmayer University,Croatia Prof. Silvana Pavlinović, Ph.D., University of Split, Croatia Prof. Yutaka Kato, Ph.D., Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan ▶︎Participation fee: FREE ▶︎Transportation costs, accommodation fee and food expenses: SELF-PAYMENT ▶︎Presentation title and abstract deadline: Please send me the title of your speech by Nov.27 (Wed.) noon at your time. ▶︎Abstract: Please send me your abstract (MAX: about 300 letters) by Dec.6 (Fri.) noon at your time. ▶︎Official language: 14th (SAT.) 16:00-21:00 (JST) Language: English
15th (SUN.) 9:30-12:00 (JST) Language: Japanese/English
Dec. 14th (Sat) 16:00 - 21:00
16:00-16:10 Opening Ceremony
16:00-16:05 Welcome Speech Gordana Pelčić, MD, PhD
Prof. of University of Rijeka, Croatia (President of the ISCB)
16:05-16:10 Welcome Speech Nader Ghotbi, MD, PhD
Prof. of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan (Iran)
(President of the 21st ISCB)
16:15-16:35 Future Becoming of Bioethics Michael Tai
PhD, Prof. of Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
16:35-16:55 Despotic Anthropocentrism and the Posthumanist Necessity of Technocratic AI-Bioethics Suzana Vuletić, PhD
Prof. of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Croatia
16:55-17:10 Discussion
17:20-18:20 First Session (Moderator: Tsuyoshi Awaya)
17:20-17:35 Searching for New Ethics in the COVID-pandemic Situation: The Context of Distribution of Medical Care and Scares Medical Resources Anwarullah Bhuiyan, PhD
Prof. of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
17:35-17:50 Are Bioethicians Free to Speak in 21st Century? 1) Gordana Pelčić, MD, PhD
Prof. of University of Rijeka, Croatia 2) Luka Tomašević, Croatia 3) Ana Pelčić, Student of University of Rijeka, Croatia 4) Silvana Pavlinović, PhD Prof. of University of Split, Croatia 5) Ivana Tucak, PhD
Prof. of University of Osijek, Croatia 6) Suzana Vuletić, PhD
Prof. of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Croatia
17:50-18:05 India Is Bioethics Relevant for Our Harmonious Life with Nature? 1) Selvanayagam Mariadoss, PhD
Prof. of Loyola college, India 2) Francis P Xavier SJ
18:05-18:20 Discussion
18:35-19:35 Second Session (Moderator: Nader Ghotbi, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan)
18:35-18:50 Multiple Perspective of Waiting List in Medicine as a Bioethical Issue Today 1) Silvana Pavlinović, PhD
Prof. of University of Split, Croatia 2) Gordana Pelčić, MD, PhD Prof. of University of Rijeka, Croatia 3) Suzana Vuletić, PhD
Prof. of University of Osijek, Croatia
18:50-19:05 The Impact of New Way of Education of Medical Students During Pandemic on Health and Medicine Today 1) Ana Pelčić,
Student of University of Rijeka, Croatia 2) Gordana Pelčić, MD, PhD Prof. of University of Rijeka, Croatia 3) Silvana Pavlinović, PhD Prof. of University of Split, Croatia 4) Zdenka Omrčen, Osijek Medical School, Croatia 5) Ivana Tucak, PhD Prof. of University of Osijek, Croatia 6) Suzana Vuletić, PhD Prof. of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Croatia
19:05-19:20 Philosophical Determinants of Modern Psychiatry Szczepan Kaleciak, MD, PhD
Dr. of Pontifical University of John Paul II , Poland
19:20-19:35 Discussion
19:45-21:00 Symposium : Theoretical and Clinical Insights into Complementary/Alternative Medicine and Bioethics (Moderator: Yutaka Kato, Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan)
19:45-20:00 Variations on “Beliefs” for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Keisuke Shishido, PhD
Prof. of Okayama University, Japan
20:00-20:15 Spirituality in Conventional/Non-conventional Medicine Motomu Shimoda, PhD
Prof. of Kyoto Women's University, Japan
20:15-20:30 ‘Clinical’ Bioethics, from Its Roots to the Current Road Map Salvador Ribas
PhD, Independent Ethics Advisor, Spain
20:30-20:45 Subjectivity and Autonomy in the Use of Non-Conventional Medical Approaches (Designated Commentary) Yutaka Kato, PhD
Prof. of Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan
20:45-21:00 Discussion
21:00-21:20 Board Meeting and General Meeting of ISCB
Dec. 15th (Sun) 9:30 - 12:00
9:30-9:45 Meeting for Research (Moderator: Keisuke Shishido, Okayama University, Japan)
9:30-9:45 Progress Report of Special Research Keisuke Shishido, PhD(宍戸圭介)
Prof. of Okayama University, Japan
9:45-10:45 Third Session(Moderator: Keisuke Shishido, Okayama University, Japan)
9:45-10:00 Neuroethics and Freedom in the Age of AI Nader Ghotbi, MD, PhD
Prof. of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan (Iran)
10:00-10:15 The Current Situation and Possibilities of the “Bioethicists Without Borders”
国境なき生命倫理団の現状と可能性 Tsuyoshi Awaya, PhD(粟屋剛)
Prof. of Okayama-shoka University, Japan
10:15-10:30 The Limitation of Anthropocentrism: Alternative Technologies to Animal Experiments and Business for Non-utilization Animal-Derived Materials 人間中心主義の倫理的限界:動物実験代替技術と動物性原材料不使用ビジネス Midori Meguro(目黒碧) Executive Director of Specified Nonprofit Corporation Animal Liberator, Japan
10:30-10:45 Discussion
11:00-12:00 Fourth Session(Moderator: Ichiro Esaki, Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan)
11:00-11:15 Practical Report of a Discussion Meeting on ELSI in Early Diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy
筋ジストロフィーの早期診断におけるELSIに関する意見交換会の実践報告 Fumie Arie, PhD(有江文栄)
Researcher at National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan
11:15-11:30 Autonomy, Justice, ALS Patients Yuichi Minemura, PhD(峯村優一)Asso. Prof. of Gunma Paz University, Japan
11:30-11:45 Bioethics: From Heritage to the Future 1) Farida Nezhmetdinova, PhD Prof. of Kazan State Agrarian University, Russia 2) Marina Guryleva, PhD Prof. of Kazan State Medical University, Russia
11:45-12:00 Discussion
12:00-12:10 Closing Ceremony
*This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K10325, 22K10480, 23K25115
3rd International Conference of ISCB(International Society for Clinical Bioethics)との共同開催。 2006年3月22日(水)午後1時30分~4時30分 岡山大学創立50周年記念館・中会議室 [岡山大学津島キャンパス内] 岡山市津島中1-1-1
①"The Collapse of Research Ethics"[1:30-2:20] Prof. Song Sang-yong, President of Asian Bioethics Association
②"On the Medical Research of Leprosy in Japan"[2:30-3:00] Prof. Tsutomu Sato, Fujita Health University, Japan
③“Ethics Review on Externally-sponsored Research in Japan and Iran: A Comparative Study”[3:00-3:30] Dr. Alireza Bagheri (Iran), Kyoto University, Japan
④“Clinical Research: Different Parties and Their Interests”[3:30-4:00] Prof. Boris Yudin, Moscow State University, Russia
⑤“Breach of Information Ethics and Professional Ethics in Serial Epidemics in Japan"[4:00-4:30] Prof. Noritoshi Tanida, Yamaguchi University, Japan
① 「ヒトES細胞に尊厳はあるか?」[1:30-2:20] 粟屋剛(岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科)
② 「着床前診断を巡る問題」[2:30-3:50] 斎藤仲道(新古賀病院婦人科医師)
演題(3) 「Medical Futility: Do patients have rights to demand treatment deemed futile?医学的に無益な行為―患者は無益と思われる治療を要求する権利があるか?」[4:00-5:10] Alireza Bagheri (京都大学リサーチフェロー(イラン人医師))