
The Graduates in AY 2023



千賀 竜輝(Senga Tatsuki)

谷尾 晃基(Tanio Koki)

原田 菜乃(Harada Nano)

Graduate School (with thesis title)

黒田 凌太(Kuroda Ryota):「昆虫食企業の参入プロセスと企業戦略に関する研究」


Ph.D. Degree (with thesis title)


Watanabe Hiroki: 権威主義的環境主義下におけるガバナンスの構造ーベトナム南部のマングローブ・エビ養殖地域を事例にー

Nguyen Quang Tan: "Reframing Community-based Tourism as a Social Process: A Critical Assessment from the Context of Vietnam"


The Graduates in AY 2022


重松 花音(Shigematsu Kanon)

吉田 匠(Yoshida Takumi)

Graduate School (with thesis title)

Irsan Nuryanto: "Transforming Forest Conflict in a Buffer Zone of National Park: A Case Study at Sarongge Sub-Village, Indonesia"

Mai Thanh Son: "The Development Process of Agritourism: A Case Study in Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam"


The Graduates in AY 2021



市川 優之介(Ichikawa Yunosuke)

黒田 凌太(Kuroda Ryota)

水之江 文哉(Mizunoe Fumiya)

Graduate School (with thesis title)


張 琳琳(Zhang Linlin):「割り箸の消費における環境認識と行動に関する研究」

Pham Thi Trieu Tien: "Livelihood Changes of Co Tu People in Suburban Area: A Case Study of Da Nang City, Vietnam"


Ph.D. Degree (with thesis title)

Nguyen Cong Dinh: "The Role of the Bottom-Up Approach in Flood Risk Management: Case Studies in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam"


The Graduates in AY 2020


海老野 陽也(Ebino Haruya)

土屋 佑生(Tsuchiya Yuki)

長岡 莉子(Nagaoka Riko)

溝江 友里子(Mizoe Yuriko)

Graduate School (with thesis title)

崔 鴻飛 (Sai Kou Fei): "The Motivations of Patricipants for GHG Reduction: Cases of J-Credit Scheme"

The Graduates in AY2019



神保 直哉(Jinbo Naoya)

福田 菜々子(Fukuda Nanako)

Internship (with theme)


Tsirinirina Andriarilala (from University of Poitiers, France):"Kojima Lake pollution issue: causes, stakes, management"

Olivia Anne-Marie Fontaine (from Grenoble INP-ENSE3, France):"Energy mix in Japan and the Opinion of Okayama University Students"

The Graduates in AY2018



石田 明日香(Ishida Asuka)

岡田 優希(Okada Yuki)

吉田 遥那(Yoshida Haruna)

Graduate School (with thesis title)

Nguyen Quang Tan:"Development Process of the Community-based Tourism: From Two Case studies in Central Vietnam"