Customized NSV

Customized NSV fits well to your nostrils. It can be fabricated by taking a silicone rubber impression of your nose.
The connector between left and right shells can be made of the resin plastic as shown in the pictures, or nylon cable which is less visible as shown in above pictures.
If you have some difficulties in manipulating small things, the resin plastic bar will be easier to handle. You can select each type depending on your condition.

In Japan, Dentist takes the impression for NSV. Usually, three visits will be necessary, i) taking impression, ii) insertion of NSV, and iii) adjustment. The customized NSV fits well. The cost of customized NSV is \39,800 in Okayama University Hospital. You may ask your home dentist to visit this home page.

If you live in Japan, you can see a dentist to fabricate NSV in Tokyo, Osaka, Kanagawa, Sendai, Shizuoka, Kobe, Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tokushima, and Hakata, so far.