Tsuruta lab.

参加希望の方へ:Join Us

  • 当研究室は、計算科学に基づく新しい物性開拓や音波・光・電磁波等の波動制御デバイスの研究に興味ある人材の受け入れを積極的に行っています.配属前の学部生の研究室見学はもちろん、学内外からの転入・転科、日本学術振興会・特別研究員、産学連携など、その他様々な短期・長期受け入れを歓迎します.


  • We widely seek highly-motivated foreign students/postdocs, being interested in engineering and physics. Our research involves, but not limited to, computational material science and theoretical/experimental studies of novel electromagnetic/acoustic devices based on plasmonics and metamaterials. Excellent English written/oral communication skills are required. Postdoc candidates must possess an earned Ph.D. in physical sciences or engineering and should firstly apply the following Funding programs.

    For a master/Ph.D. course student: Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship
                                                            (Recruitment: every January)

         Please see also: Prospective Students at Okayama University

    JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers. (Recruitment: every May and September)

         Please see also: the Erasmus Mundus Program for a national of EU menber country/state.

    Applicants should e-mail a full CV in advance to us: Contact